Criminal - YA Review by Maryn J

Reader: Maryn J.
Age: 12
Title: Criminal
Author: Terra Elan McVoy
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pub Date: 05/07/13
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: I didn't not like this book, but I didn't like it either. The reason for that is the main character, Nikki, is pretty much unbearable--she's whiny and bratty, and though she's supposed to be that way, it's hard to listen to her first person point of view without feeling sick. However, the plot was original and the character development eventually began to occur. The story was suspenseful despite the annoying main character, which made it easier to read. I think the story had huge potential and it was a bit disappointing. I can also see how this book might be relatable for some teens with troubled lives.
Memorable or Forgettable: I remember most books, so this one will be memorable, but I think it would be memorable either way. Some of the supporting characters are enjoyable to listen to and the story idea was new and fresh, but overall the book wasn't anything special that I would end up re-reading.
Cover: I actually picked up the book because of the cover. Though plain, it was called Criminal with a bullet running through the letters, and I think the design actually suits the book. It did reflect the contents in a very simple way, so I'm not agitated with the cover design.
Age Range: 14 through 18 and up
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

tags:  coming of age / toxic relationships / ya lit

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