Allegra - YA Review by Marie W

Reader: Marie W
Age: 14
Title: Allegra
Author: Shelley Hrdlitschka
Publisher: Orca Book Publishers
Pub Date:  04/01/13
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Have you ever done something before that took lots of work on your part; then been told to complete the work again. If that has ever happened to you and it was extremely frustrating well that's exactly how she feels. The plot had enough interest to keep you reading though it wasn't very original. The idea was unique compared to other books though. I liked Allegra's perspective. It was interesting though to see how the music class affected her character. My favorite thing about the book would be how relatable Allegra was.
Memorable or Forgettable: The book was memorable in the sense of the music woven throughout the book. Allegra had the feel of an actual person instead of a character you were to believe is real.
Cover: Yes the cover is a good representation of the book. It is pretty tempting and natural.
Age Range: 14 through 15
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal
Annotation: Allegra will soon be going to a performing arts high school. When she gets there she learns she will have to take a music class, even though she has already passed the highest level offered in the music academy.

tags: coming of age / performing arts high school / BFYA nominee / ya lit

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