White Cat

Reader: Charlie S
Age: 16
Title: White Cat
Author: Holly Black
Publisher: McElderry
Pub Date: 5/4/10
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Recommend: Yes
What would convince someone to read the book: That this book is great. It keeps your attention and it's easy to read. It has a good plot, good characters.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: The workers and the types of abilities they can have. For example, Barron was a memory worker. Their mom was an emotion worker and could change luck around.
Were you disappointed with the book at all: No I wasn't disappointed with the book except I wish that the ending would have been a little bit different. Like, instead of him just being bummed about his mom putting a love curse on Lila he could have reversed it or something.
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents of the book: Yes it did, the cover is mysterious and just pulled me towards it. In the book there is a mysterious white cat and that's exactly what is on the cover.
Did you finish: Yes
Age Range: 14-17
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 5P Everyone wants to read it

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