The Prince of Mist

Reader: Emily T
Age: 15
Title: The Prince of Mist
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Pub Date: 05/14/10
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: Carlos Ruiz Zafon weaves together a brilliant story of love, loss and friendship, while accurately portraying the thoughts of a teenage boy. A compelling story that makes the reader want more!
Compelling Aspect of the Book: The main character in this story is a teenage boy who is greatly affected by events unfolding in his life. The supernatural aspect is downplayed enough so it does not overshadow the main character and is made all the more mysterious;
making it all the more of a compelling read.
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents of the book: The distinct cover created a very alluring aspect. The usage of blue instead of black reflects the central image of the rain and sea and everything fits beautifully.
Did you finish: Yes
Age Range: 12-17
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal

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