Falling Into Place - YA Review by Veronica K

Reader: Veronica K.
Age: 14
Title: Falling into Place
Author: Amy Zhang
Publisher: Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins
Pub Date: 09/06/14
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: What really bothered me about the book was the narrator. It took me 237-ish pages to figure out who was telling me the story. This sort of took away from the book, as I spent more time confused than comprehending. Another problem was how stupid the characters were. The main character knew she was an idiot, complained about being an idiot, but did nothing about being an idiot. Annoying. This book also felt like it was written in segments over a long period of time. This might have been the non-linear timeline, but some of the sections felt like they were written by an eight year old. My final problem is that it seems like the first chapter happened to hook you; the middle happened because the author wanted to make a point, but the story was neglectable; and the end is there to finish it and make it over.
Memorable or Forgettable: This is forgettable because it seems like one long complaint. The main character was weird and annoying. The other characters were out of character for most of the book. It just was not well done.
Cover: like the cover. Nobody else my age will like it, but I like it.
Age Range: Under 12
Quality: 2Q Needs more work
Popularity: 2P Only for special interest

tags:  bullying / suicide / ya lit

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