The Deathday Letter

Reader: Elise S.
Age: 14
Title: The Deathday Letter
Author: Shaun David Hutchinson
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Galley: Yes
Recommend: No
Compelling Aspect of the Book: The idea of Deathday letters is a cool one, but not interesting enough to keep me reading.
Were you disappointed with the book at all: While there wasn't anything particularly wrong with the book, nothing was really right either. The characters were shallow, the plot scattered, and the writing bland. It was the kind of book that I wanted to like, but was just blah. Another thing: Ollie's sense of humor was very stereotypical. Teenage boys may think like that, but that doesn't mean one needs to emphasize it so much in a book. You wouldn't have them going on and on about what they were planning to have for breakfast, would you?
Cover: I thought the cover was interesting. While it might get a little bit lost in the sea of red and
black covers right now, the smiley death face was fun! The font of the title, combined with the catch sentence both struck me as cliché, and could use polishing.
Did you finish: No
Age Range: 12-15
Quality: 2Q Needs more work
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

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