Where She Went

Reader: Sabrina K
Age: 17
Title: Where She Went
Author: Gayle Forman
Publisher: Penguin
Pub Date: Apris 5 11
Galley: Yes
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: Yes, because the main character (Adam) is a rock star and you get to see his fabulous (or not so fabulous) life. I always enjoy reading books where the characters are super famous and see their perspective of fans,reporters, music producers, etc.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: This book gave light on a new perspective (at least for me) that not only girls are hurt in relationships. That sometimes, it not always the guy that the "bad one" in the relationship. This book brought to light both angles of breaking up.
Comments: Kind of a general book. It wasn't really that original, but it was intriguing to read.
Cover: The cover of the book did not tempt me at all to pick up the book, it looks like every other teen galley book out there. I mean really? How many times have we(teens) not read a book with a depressing teen girl on the cover? I think it would have been better if the cover had Adam (the main character) face/body on it rather then Mia.
Age Range: 14-17
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

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