Midnight Thief - YA Review by Simon D-S

Reader: Simon D-S
Age: 14
Title: Midnight Thief
Author: Livia Blackburne
Publisher: Disney- Hyperion
Pub Date: 07/08/14
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Overall, the book was a good fantasy read. It's plot was fast moving and there seemed to be an endless amount of twists. As soon as you think you know where the book is going, it changes. This was good at some points in the book, but I felt like it was too much sometimes. The imagery was very good, I wouldn't be surprised if this was made into a movie. I could see the main character scaling roofs and could hear the sword fighting. The characters were average, in not being quite real, but not entirely fictional either. The main character had a recurring theme of doing something stupid and unadvised then apologizing to her friends that she had done it.
Memorable or Forgettable: I will always remember this book for the heists and assassins guild. I love the idea of there being an assassins guild. It's just so COOL!
Cover: I liked the cover, it really matched the genre and title.
Age Range: 12 through 17
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

tags:  fantasy / action / adventure / ya lit

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