The Big Crunch

Reader: Payton G.
Age: 15
Title: The Big Crunch
Author: Pete Hautman
Publisher: Scholastic
Pub Date: Jan 2011
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Annotation: June Edberg has moved around a lot in her life. Wes has lived in Minnesota his entire life. June arrives in Wes's town just as school is starting. This is the story of how they will react to each other.
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: I would describe this book as a more realistic romance novel than most. The characters actually act in ways that real people would act, and there are no supernatural beings invading the story.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: To me, the best part was that it seemed as if Mr. Hautman had created a world inside of a box, then thrown these characters in. After that, he just recorded how they reacted to each other and their surroundings.
Cover: I sort of liked the cover. It does make the book look a little fluffier than it is. I do like the
artwork, though, and it would probably catch my eye if I saw it on a shelf.
Age Range: 14-17
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal

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