Age: 16
Title: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
Author: Nahoko Uehashi
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Top10: Yes
Did the cover reflect the contents: Yes, it quite reflected the contents of the book really well. It is an interesting novel.
Recommend: Yes. If you like Japanese, or any Asian mythology or fantasy you will definitely want to pick up this book!
Compelling Aspect of the Book: Balsa, the main character, is the most compelling aspect of this novel on second to the legend of the Moribito itself. The true mystery of this is kept towards the end and it keeps the reader reading to find out this intriguing legend based into the novel.
Did you finish: Yes
Were you disappointed with the book: I wasn't disappointed in the book, and I did finish it within the day!
Age Range: 12-18 and up
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal
Comments: I love the fact that the main character is female, it not only shows the modern idea of girl-power (even though the book itself is written at a later time and now translated) but the fact that she is the only actual leading female-hero in a male-dominant societ, yet holds such high respect, is very inspiring. The story in itself has just about anything to make a great fantasy novel: a legend, a protector, a protected, the hint of love, and action. I couldn't ask for a better book, and it strings you along with the mysterious female Balsa. I can't wait for the next books to be translated into English, and hopefully come into the Galley.
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