Defy - YA Review by Devon K

Reader: Devon K.
Age: 17
Title: Defy
Author: Sara B. Larson
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Pub Date: 01/07/2014
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: The book is decently written, though the fantasy names and languages can be cringe-worthy. If you are one who enjoys slightly cheesy teen romances, this book will be quite enjoyable. But be forewarned, many subplots will be dropped and go unresolved for no apparent reason.
Memorable or Forgettable:  Alexa's voice in first person is very enjoyable, though does fall into unfortunate stereotypes about teenage girls in books even when they do not match her character.
Cover: The book was tempting because it reminded me of Graceling, a personal favorite, however it also had little to do with the plot since the dagger is 1) not a functional weapon for a professional such as Alexa, and 2) does not appear in the novel so is a bit out of place.
Age Range: 12 through 15
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal
Additional Comments: The title makes no sense; it seems to have been chosen for the purpose of being catchy.
Annotation:  Alexa Hollen has lost much in her homeland Antion's war with neighboring nation Blevon:  her home, her parents, her childhood. All that is left of her past is her twin Marcel, and the two decide to join the Antion army and hide Alexa's gender in order to make do with their lives. Three years gone and the two join Prince Damian's elite guard, but when mysterious attempts on the Prince's life threaten the kingdom, and Alexa finds herself caught between the affections of two handsome men,  Alexa must choose who to trust and who to pledge allegiance.

tags:  high fantasy / romance / Defy / ya lit

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