Princess Academy: Palace of Stone - YA Review By Grace

Reader: Grace O
Age: 17
Title: Princess Academy: Palace of Stone
Author: Shannon Hale
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books
Pub Date: 09/01/12
Galley: No
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Princess Academy : Palace of Stone's story is told in first person. The setting takes place in a make believe world. The make believe world is in a medieval time with kings, queens, and palaces. Dialogue is more modern day english without the slang. The plot had a few twists and turns but the element that stood out the most was character development. When Miri goes to school in the town's academy and is taught ethics, her own ethics start to change and through this whole book Miri is trying to find out what exactly her ethics are.
Memorable or Forgettable: The most memorable quality is the struggle between right and wrong. How others can view right and wrong so differently from someone else. Another quality that stood out was the confusion of where you belong. Miri has a lot of paths she can take. But the main two paths are,  learn what she can for one year and go back to teach that to her people and maybe be with the one she's always loved. Or travel the world with a new boy who she met in town and gain knowledge that will be cut off to her if she goes back to the mountain.
Cover:  I picked this book up because I read Princess Academy and really liked it. Yes the cover does reflect the contents of this book.
Age Range: 12 through 17
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal
Annotation:  It's suppose to be a time of happiness and celebration, after all the Princess and the Prince are getting married. But when Miri gets a desperate letter from the Mountain's delegate begging for help on what to do about up coming plots, things take a turn for the worst.

tags:  fantasy / coming of age / ya lit

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