
Reader: Elise S
Age: 13
Title: Fire
Author: Kristen Cashore
Publisher: Penguin
Pub Date: October 09
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Annotation: Fire is a monster, quite literally. She is extraordinarily beautiful, and can control the minds of humans. Soon she gets sucked into the political turmoil in the kingdom, and encounters everything from cold princes, to brightly colored bunny rabbits.
Comments: The setting was so vividly described it made the book real to me. Fire had problems that were very present and to the end she was still struggling to deal with them. One thing that I enjoyed was the fact that her problems didn't go away, she just had to work with them. It may be gruesome, but I also liked that once she was injured, she stayed injured, instead of mysteriously being cured (hem, hem, James Patterson!)
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: This book is one of the best I've ever read. Its characters are funny, intriguing, and make you get involved in the story. The plot is very intricate, without becoming to political or confusing.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: I loved the crisis that she went through, as she was trying to decide whether or not to use her powers for the realm. I thought that that expressed some of what I have to go through right now, if not in such a violent circumstance;
Disappointed: No
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents of the book: he cover was amazing. Five stars. I love the one, strong, relevant image, (her bow), with her in the background. It lures you in with its vivid colors, and doesn't try
to tell the entire story through the one image, unlike some other books. The color combination is great, so bright, so related to the title and the main character. Everything ties in with the story, and reflects its contents.
Age Range: 12-13, 14-15, 16-17
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 5P Everyone wants to read it

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