Age: 14
Title: Evil?
Author: Timothy Carter
Publisher: Flux
Pub Date: 2009
Galley: No
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Annotation: After being caught getting it on with himself in his shower, Stuart is ostracized by his conservative town. His vendetta to free them from possession by a fallen angel is joined by other “sinners," and one demon with attitude problems.
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: Chances are, if you're not offended by the concept of this book, you will love it and think it's hysterical. Ready for the concept? Okay here goes: Stuart is a gay teenage boy who was caught on a date with Rosie Palms in his shower. Aaaaaand he summons demons. Just 'cuz. Okay, offended yet? No? Good, because if you were, that'd be bad, as you'd be missing out on a pretty good read.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: One thing I neglected to mention. Stuart's entire town has been possessed by a fallen angel who has a personal vendetta against the one-man mambo. A militant fallen angel, I might add. So Stuart and a few other teens caught being masters of their domains are attacked by a mob. Stuart summons a demon, Fon Pyre, to help the kids combat the angry town. It only gets weirder from there, believe it or not.
Did you finish the book: Yes
Were you disappointed with the book: I honestly can't think of any valid complaints about this book. I know people get confused by the punctuation at the end of the title, and are unsure of how to pronounce it, but I never had such troubles. (Hint: If you're not saying the title with a Ron Burgundy-esque overemphasis of the question mark, you're not saying it right! I know a lot of people may be offended by this book, but I wasn't, so I was completely okay with it. I guess if you're irreverent and already corrupted by modern media, you'll be okay.
Comments: As much as I enjoyed this book, I rated it low on the popularity scale, only because, as stated above, many people might be embarrassed/offended/just plain grossed out by this book. It's most certainly not for everyone. But if you're not everyone, if you're simply anyone, then I would heartily recommend Evil?
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents: I like this cover well enough, but it's sideways. It got my hopes up that the whole book would be sideways, but nooooo. I feel betrayed. (Not really.)
Age Range: 14-15, 16-17
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity: 2P Only for special interest
1 comment:
Thanks, Meghan, for this review. It's fantastic to know there are readers out there who really get it. And I totally agree with your popularity scale ranking. I've seen a few people's faces scrunch up in revulsion when I tell them what EVIL? is about! If Twilight is the popular kid in school, I'd like to think that EVIL? is the quiet kid at the back of the class. He doesn't get all the attention, but I think he's got something cool to say.
- Timothy Carter
PS - A date with Rosie Palms... I honestly haven't heard that one before! As soon as I read it I split my sides and busted my guts. Good one!
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