Reader: Emily T.
Age: 17
Title: Born Wicked
Author: Jessica Spotswood
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Pub Date: 2/1/2012
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Born Wicked is an engaging story about three sisters in colonial New England. Engaging twist: they are witches. A brotherhood has been formed controlling the society, keeping women from holding jobs too "difficult" for women. Cate (the oldest sister) attempts to keep her younger siblings from revealing their dark secret, while striving to be the mother they no longer have. Their father is a business man, often traveling and rarely at home. Witches are being persecuted by the brotherhood as Cate tries to discover the truth about a prophecy made several hundred years ago. With the arrival of a new tutor who comes from "the Sisterhood," who turns out to be a reformed ancient order of witches, Cate struggles to keep her family together, avoid detection, and potentially reverse the strict control of the Brotherhood
Memorable or Forgettable: Born Wicked is reminiscent of puritan society, women being told who to marry, men controlling everything on top of a strict religious code. In a classic good vs. evil basis, Cate finds resistance to the Brotherhood wherever she goes, mostly from women.
Cover: Perfect cover, really draws the reader into the story.
Age Range: 14-17
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity: 5P Everyone wants to read it

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