Shackled - YA Review by Sophie F

Reader: Sophie F.
Age: 14
Title: Shackled
Author: Tom Leveen
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pub Date: 08/18/15
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: This book was pretty good to start, but by the end I was thinking it was a lot like another book I had read, Schizo. The narration was fine, but the narrator can be a bit annoying because it isn't clear why she has so many problems. 
Memorable or Forgettable: This book was exactly like the book Schizo. It starts out like the character thinks something is true, then obsesses over it, but then it turns out that they actually made the whole thing up in their head. This annoyed me in both books. It's like you read a book and the last sentence is: and then they woke up, it was all a dream.
Cover: The book cover did tempt me and I think it reflected the book contents very well.
Age Range: 12 through 15
Quality: 3Q - Readable
Popularity: 3P - Some teen appeal

tags:  suspense / psychological thriller / ya lit

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