I Will Always Write Back - YA Review by Grace KL

Reader: Grace KL
Age: 16
Title: I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives
Author: Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda with Liz Welch
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pub Date: 04/14/15
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: This book is many things, but above all, it is a good story.  It is a true story which makes it all the more important. It uses real letters that were written when this story took place to help convey the story.  Honestly, the narration was OK, but it wasn't especially lyrical or overly put together.  But I think that even if the writing was mediocre, the story as told through the letters would still be strong.  The letters are what hold this book together. Another thing that I appreciated about this book was the consistency of the narration.  Oftentimes, with a book  that has two authors, you can easily distinguish who wrote what.  I think that the consistency that we see here is definitely because of the book's third author, who does not play a part in the story, and she did an excellent job.
Memorable or Forgettable: One especially memorable quality for me is how much the two main characters changed throughout the story and how reading things that the other wrote made them realize so much about themselves and what they value.
Cover: The cover was definitely the reason I picked up the book.  It was bright, engaging, and seemed as though it would be about sending letters, which is something that I enjoy.  I'm quite fond of how the title is the most important part of the cover, and it is almost as if it is uniting the two continents, which is something that the two main characters try to do as well.
Age Range: Under 12 through 18 and up
Quality: 4Q - Better than most
Popularity: 4P - Broad general teen appeal

tags:  non-fiction / memoir / cultural awareness / ya lit

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