Alien Feast

Reader: Luke M
Age: 15
Title: Alien Feast
Author: Michael Simmons
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Pub Date: May 2009
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: No
Recommend: No
Compelling Aspect of the Book: I really liked uncle Maynard. He was an interesting and funny character. I also liked the reasons listed as to why some humans were still alive.
Did you finish the book: Yes
Were you disappointed with the book: The book seemed to be written for kids younger than teens, with a few parts that would make it a teen level book. Teens would probably prefer a book about teens. The writing seemed to be for younger people. Also, the ending leaves a lot unexplained and many of the decisions the characters make are very un-thought out.
Comments: If two 12-year-olds and an uncle with heart problems , all untrained, can destroy alien ships and kill aliens with alien rifles, how did the aliens ever beat a well-trained, well-armed military? I know the aliens had superior technology, but humans also have a lot of weapons that can destroy things larger than an armchair.
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents of the book: The cover was dull and unrelated to the book. The aliens didn't look like that and also the title is hard to read. The cover has nothing interesting on it, all it is is some words and a blue background.
Age Range: Under 12
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

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