Reader: Elise S.
Age: 16
Title: Friends with Boys
Author: Faith Erin Hicks
Publisher: First Second
Pub Date: 2/28/2012
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Familial relationships are hard to get right, so it's fun when you find one.  I loved the dynamic of the main character with her brothers, and the friend and her brother.  Integrity was a big part of what was discussed and shown with the characters; being true to one's self, and family especially.  Plus, the pictures are pretty darn cute!
Memorable or Forgettable: While the book was cute, it never progressed past that point.  Pieces of missing mom and haunted by ghosts never really integrated with the other part of high school and old rivalries.  Nothing about it stood out in a good, or bad way.
Cover: This cover confused me with it's upside/right-side thing.  I don't feel comfortable putting it either way up.  One way, the girl is looking up at her upside down friends.  The other way, the girl is upside down and the friends on the ground.  I don't get it.
Age Range: Under 12
Quality: 3Q Readable
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

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