Age: 17
Title: Across the Universe
Author: Beth Revis
Publisher: Penguin
Pub Date: 3/22/11
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teen’s Top 10: Yes
Recommend: Yes
Comments: Amy and her parents are put into ice chambers and are suppose to be opened 300 years later to help create life on a new planet. Amy, a 17 year old girl, is one who is purposely woken up early and is faced to deal with the fact that she might not ever see Earth again-let alone her parents. This book describes her journey of the spaceship and the adventures she has on it.
Convince us to read the book: This book gives a probable version of how the future of Earth could be -and space too! How the author made the ship and the events going on in the book probable and likely. Revis's description of the events and the characters made the book lively, chilling, and even at times confusing (but in a good way!).
Compelling Aspect of the Book: The most compelling aspect of the book is how the characters react with one another and how there's an evident social structure within the ship and the Society. It was very compelling to see this internal struggle for Elder and how he was going to handle the situations facing him.
Cover: The cover tempted me to pick up the book a bit-and did reflect the contents of the chemistry between Amy and Elder and gives an insight for why Elder opened her chamber up. It would have been nice though if there had been a little sketch on the cover showing Godspeed-it would have made more sense. The cover was a bit confusing at first for the reasoning behind it but towards the end it made sense.
Age Range: 16-18 and up
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 5P Everyone wants to read it