
Reader: Payton G
Age: 14
Title: Lost
Author: Jacqueline Davies
Publisher: Marshall Cavendish
Pub Date: 04/01/2009
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: No
Recommend: No
Compelling Aspect of the Book: I found the most compelling aspect to be the historical element. I don't normally go for historical fiction, but on occasion, I like it. I also find the Triangle Shirtwaist to be an interesting subject.
Were you disappointed with the book at all: I was disappointed with the book because it took over two hundred pages for a plot to emerge, and when it did, all I could think was 'Well I saw that coming
ages ago.' Also, there were so many references to hats that I started to wonder whether it was about Triangle Shirtwaist or hats.
Cover: I liked the galley cover better than the one they went with. The official one is more muted, whereas the galley cover was very bright. The brightness is what made me notice it in the first place.
Did you finish: Yes
Age Range: 12-15
Quality: 2Q Needs more work
Popularity: 3P Some teen appeal

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