Reader: Sabrina K
Age: 16
Author: Andrea Cremer
Publisher: Penguin
Pub Date: October 10
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Annotation: In this mystical book, Cal, the alpha in her pack, has to unite in less than a month on her 18th birthday with Ren, the other alpha in the opposite pack. But once Cal meets Shay, her whole world begins to spin into a complete utter disaster. And the world as she knows is nothing she thought it would be.
Convince us to read the book: This book is the best read of the summer--you'll want to read it over and over again! It's better than the
Twilight series! This book really keeps you guessing till the end of the book.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: What I loved about this book was, well, everything! From the first page it was compelling, and made me as a reader dive in to this book, head first. I loved the intensity
of the book and just how realistic everything was. It was mind blowing to see this whole new universe inside our own that was made in the book. I was glad to read a book that was about a girl who wasn't a whiny selfish baby for once! This book really kept you guessing till the end!
Were you disappointed with the book at all: The one thing I was disappointed in was the ending, it felt unfinished—and that it just stopped at a complete halt. I want to see what's happening next, but I guess that's also a good thing too! I'm actually dying to see what happens next! Also, I could tell that the book was done to be as unpredictable as possible but I still predicted way before hand what was going to happen, I didn't mind because I was wondering how it would play out, but it was a bit disappointing at times.
Cover: The cover did not tempt me to pick up the book—it looks like another Twilight impersonation. I was thankfully wrong; the book was nothing at all like Twilight and went way beyond my expectations.
Recommend: Yes
Did you finish: Yes
Age Range: 14-18 and up
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 5P Everyone wants to read it