Love in the Time of Global Warming - YA Review by Frannie M

Reader: Frannie M.
Age: 14
Title: Love in the Time of Global Warming
Author:  Francesca Lia Block
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
Pub Date: 08/27/13
Galley:  Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: I particularly enjoyed this book because it defied every one of my expectations. I found myself predicting the plot throughout the story, but I was consistently proven wrong, something that is exciting in a book. Pen's journey was fun to follow, and the parallels to The Odyssey made it even more enjoyable. Each character was distinct and I found myself becoming attached to all of them. The character development in this story was also fantastic, and seemed very realistic, which can be hard to find. Each new character Pen met on her journey enhanced the story, as did each new danger. No part of this book was superfluous, it all fit together beautifully.
Memorable or Forgettable: The ending of this book was what made it particularly memorable for me. The end (without revealing too much) leaves many things unresolved, but it did it in such a way that I wasn't bothered by it, as I frequently am by cliffhangers. The end was satisfying, while still keeping with the mystique that was carried throughout the book.
Cover: The cover was beautiful; it was why I chose this book in the first place! The butterflies seemed like a random addition to the cover to make it prettier at first, but I discovered later that they make up a large part of the story. This cover was an excellent representation of the story.
Age Range: 14 through 18 and up
Quality: 4Q Better than most
Popularity:4P Broad general teen appeal

tags: coming of age / post-apocalyptic / magical realism / ya lit

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