Four Secrets - YA Review by Grace KL

Reader: Grace KL
Age: 14
Title: Four Secrets
Author: Margaret Willey
Publisher: Carolrhoda Lab
Pub Date: 8/01/12
Galley: Yes
Top 25: No
Convince us to read the book: Four Secrets is told from multiple viewpoints, each which contribute uniquely to the overall book.  One is entirely drawings, with raw power that makes them stand out, while another is told lyrically as if it were a knight on a quest.  All the viewpoints build to an intimate understanding of each character, which leaves you guessing as to what their secret might be.
Memorable or Forgettable: This book is memorable for me because of the unique way of telling the story, whose central points were not revealed until the final pages.  Also, having the perspective of a social worker was very interesting to the reader, because it showed she was really on their side, even while the kids refused to reveal their secrets.
Cover: The cover tempted me because of it's simplicity.  As one is reading the book, they realize that ravens are hidden throughout the book and that each one represents an important character.
Age Range: Under 12 through 15
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal

tags:  bullying / middle school / suspense / ya lit

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