Reader: Megan W
Age: 17
For KeepsAuthor: Natasha Friend
Publisher: Penguin
Pub Date: 04/06/10
Galley: Yes
Nominate for Teens’ Top 10: Yes
Annotation: Friend captures the true essence of what it means to be a family. For Keeps is a heart-warming tale for all ages that delves into different relationships that people form with each other, and how some relationships will never change.
Recommend: Yes
Convince us to read the book: To me, this book has human emotions and feelings down to a T. I thought the characters were wonderfully developed, and the plot was very well done as well. It's about a girl, Josie, whose mom raised her all alone. Josie knows very little about her biological father, Paul, and for a while, that was ok, until Paul's parents show up in Josie's town. Josie's mom, Kate, freaks out, and everything that follows is how the two deal with the possibility of Paul being back in town.
Compelling Aspect of the Book: I think one of the reasons that I loved this book so much was because Josie and her mom are best friends. I can relate to that; my mom and I are super close and talk all the time about anything and everything. I thought For Keeps was sweet and endearing, and it wasn't fake at all. All the relationships were very real; nothing was too perfect. There were fights and arguments and make-ups; just like real life.
Were you disappointed with the book at all: I loved how this book was able to throw in some controversial topics without making them a big deal. Josie's best friend has gay parents, and other things that I won't say for fear of ruining anything. All in all, I thought For Keeps is definitely a keeper. :]
Did the cover tempt you and/or reflect the contents: I believe that the cover for For Keeps is beautiful and very well done. I love the colors, and I really love how the people in the background are fuzzy, and the only thing that you can clearly see are their intertwined hands. The colors are soft, giving a peaceful feeling. There is also a piece of a postcard on the cover that doesn't make sense until the end of the book. I think the cover portrays the book very well.
Did you finish: Yes
Age Range: 16-17
Quality: 5Q Hard to imagine a better book
Popularity: 4P Broad general teen appeal